The Land Service is an environment oriented youth movement which is accessible to everyone. We strive to improve the loves for, as well as the protection of the environment and the natural resources. A goal for diligence forms part of the Land Service member’s habits. For this reason, the slogan of the Land Service: Facta Non Verba (deeds and not words) can be executed practically.
Die Landsdiens dra beduidend by tot die lewering van verskilmakende en verantwoordelike landsburgers met lojaliteit vir die eie, wat lewensvaardig en ook vol inisiatief en selfvertroue is. Die Landsdiens lei ons jongmense tot gebalanseerde volwassenheid.
The Land Service contributes substantially to the delivery of citizens who make a difference, who are responsible, loyal, self confident, life skilled and have initiative. The Land Service Movement leads the youth to a balanced adulthood.

Liefde vir God
Love for God

Liefde vir jou Medemens
Love for your Fellowmen

Liefde vir die Natuur
Love for Nature

Liefde vir Arbeid
Love for Work
These values are incorporated within the unravelling of the youth, their talents and spiritual equipment to help the youth deal with the challenges and problems that arise during their time. Mutual appreciation and respect for other cultures are stimulated in Land Service members.
Hierdie waardes word doelmatig gemeng met die ontplooiing van jongmense se talente en geestelike toerusting om die uitdagings en probleme van hul tyd die hoof te bied. By die Landsdiener word wedersydse begrip van en waardering en respek vir ander kulture, gestimuleer.